TISSUE Magazine N°3
TISSUE Magazine N°3 page 04–05
TISSUE Magazine N°3 page 02–03
TISSUE Magazine N°3 page 06–07
TISSUE Magazine N°3 cover
“Feuer im Weizen”
For last year’s documenta 13, THOMAS BAYRLE installed the remnants of an industrial age in the exhibition’s main hall—very hard, very cold. For TISSUE, we chose one of his older, more frivolous works, Feuer im Weizen. Same goes for our office. We just had to buy one of his cheeky graphics after walking past it […]
Leigh Ledare
A mother’s son
Professional skateboarder? Yes. Larry Clark protégé? Yes. Famous for taking explicit pictures of his mother? Yes. Just don’t mistake Leigh Ledare for one of those cool kids exploiting his friend’s — or in this case his family’s — lifestyle. Because he is not.
TISSUE N° 3 flip-through
(Hi-Speed version)
TISSUE N°3 on sale in Japan. Martin Eder flipping through TISSUE N°3 featuring contributions by himself as well as by Miroslav Tichý, Lukas Gansterer, Leigh Ledare, A.Activities, Adrian Crispin, Elena Kholkina, Steve Oklyn, Hanna Putz, Hans Petri, Magazine, Peter Kaaden, Fee Romero, Maxime Ballesteros, Thomas Bayrle, Andy Warhol, and Walter Dahn.
Miroslav Tichý
A perverted flaneur, an anti-modernist, a voyeur equipped with a homemade camera, the small town eccentric. Artist Miroslav Tichý is considered to be all of those, but his skewed photographs offering intimate glimpses of women at the pool or strolling about town have him trapped, and his reputation limited to being a voyeuristic photographer who […]
Julia Warhola
The Mother
Carrying a shopping bag for a purse and living in a house full of cats, Julia Warhola was more bag-lady than mother-of-an-international-art-superstar. Yet her influence on pop art’s finest, Andy Warhol, didn’t stop when little Andy left for New York …