Art and media, life and death.

A very special thanks to all creators, providers, helpers, listeners, connectors — without you this publication wouldn’t exist. This joint venture is a non-profit adventure. Everything flows back into the project.

TISSUE Magazine and is a special service for you.

© 2022 TISSUE Magazine — Es ist hoffnungslos. [It’s hopeless.]

TISSUE Magazine
Glashüttenstr. 22
20357 Hamburg-St. Pauli

Tel: +49 40 3073 7055

Creative Director:
Uwe Bermeitinger

Guest Editor/
Hans Bussert

Executive Editor:
Simon Lunkenheimer

Executive Online Editor:
Phillip Schmidt

Mixtape Series:
Christoph Moerl (Direction)
Nadja Preyer (Editor)

Fashion Director:
Ann-Kathrin Obermeyer

Web Design:
Deutsche & Japaner

Privacy Policy