TISSUE Magazine Mixtape 57
by Phil Banks

Cornwall’s forgotten corner. The description Phil Banks gives us of his hometown sounds like a one-horse town in the nowhere of England. Which it actually is. Isolated, grey and rainy. Far away from the noisy metropolises, everyone walks quietly through the streets. Maybe it’s exactly this quietness, that strengthens Phil Banks’ vision of music. Maybe it’s this vacuum of silence, longing to be filled with sound wave after sound wave. TISSUE stumbled upon these waves and was immediately drawn towards Phil’s excellent selection of music.

Checking out his Discogs wantlist while drinking a cup of tea is the first thing Phil Banks does in the morning. The music he makes is generally quite slow with a nice rhythm. The daily life in Cornwall can be like this, too. Making music on and off for around 10 years, in 2013 he started his own label with his best friend Nick Mackrory. It is called Forgotten Corner Records.

„We named our label after this area as we like the name and it suites what we do, in the sense that the forgotten corner is under the radar to most people, Nick and I both feel tucked away in Cornwall, going about our daily lives and business, coming together and making music and then occasionally releasing a record or DJ’ing somewhere.“

We may describe Phil Banks’ mix as an eclectic blend. It’s not that kind of music we listen to for dancing at the club. It’s the one for after that. Or maybe a mix we are listening on our way home on sunday at noon, observed by some of the older people generation in the village walking to church. It gives us acid, electro, breakbeat and newbeat. Touché!

Cover photo by La Chatte Au Miel
Introduction jingle by Meghan Edwards aka Miss M.E. aka Harmony Horizon
Words by Jule Klenert
