Miroslav Tichy

Miroslav Tichý is up now!

Find the complete article about Miroslav Tichý by Grashina Gabelmann including an interesting collection of newly discovered drawings by himself as published in TISSUE N°3 in February 2013 here.

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TISSUE Magazine Mixtape 10

Some of you might have noticed that TISSUE Magazine loves a hot (and sweaty) rave from time to time. Mostly we like to throw our hands in the air to Hamburg based BOBBIE*. Anyhow — females are the better DJs and BOBBIE* got it all: the sound, the look and the skills.

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Miroslav Tichý

A perverted flaneur, an anti-modernist, a voyeur equipped with a homemade camera, the small town eccentric. Artist Miroslav Tichý is considered to be all of those, but his skewed photographs offering intimate glimpses of women at the pool or strolling about town have him trapped, and his reputation limited to being a voyeuristic photographer who […]

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