Mixtape 68 by Christopher Rau:
F Is for Fandom

There are many reasons why musicians choose to release under more than just one moniker. For some it simply has practical reasons. For others, like Christopher Rau, it’s pure fandom. The former-Hamburg-now-Berlin-based producer has always been fascinated by fellow sound geeks like Polarius aka Nomad Ninja aka Legowelt – these are, by the way, only 3 of 37 (!) aliases of the Dutch producer. One of his reasons to choose Hamburg as his new home? Cause it was (and still is) home of the infamous and die hard Golden Pudel club. Again: pure fandom.

Nadja Preyer talked to Christoper Rau aka T.R. ”Early” Earl aka Rhythmus Günther. Enjoy his diverse and deep, still uplifting TISSUE Magazine Mixtape that spares you trivial Kick-Bass-Hi-Hat boredom while reading the interview here.