Mihai Barabancea

Mixtape 81 by DJ Maik

DJ MAIK IN HIS OWN WORDS: “What can I tell!? My mothership and closest friends come together with ‘Solid Rotation’. We started in 2014 with small basement raves and a radio show in Jena, which was broadcasted for 6 years at Radio Lotte in Weimar, before we recently switched to Sphere Radio in Leipzig. Shortly […]

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Mihai Barabancea
Falling On Blades*

“It doesn’t always kill you, but it always hurts. And still you’ve got to […] keep going. I find this ability to roll with the punches, to take the pain and adapt to circumstances, in my subjects: gypsies, beggars, crooks, vagabonds, underdogs, conmen, buskers and various shady characters in Romania and Moldova. My object is […]

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