Zsu Szabo —
Sucht und Ordnung
N°4: Silence, a Meditation on the Purifying Power of Muteness

I call this series „Silence“. The wolf and I crossed paths when I was pregnant, the forrest surrounding this photograph was photographed in Hungary. During this period of time I was seeking for a pure and absolute silence. This idea grew in me after taking part in a silent meditation and since that day I feel a longing for an active state without distraction: no communication with other individuals – neither verbal, nor non-verbal – no access to the internet, no mobile phone, no TV, no music, no books…NOTHING. I’d like to replace all this with concentration and a clear focus on myself. Not in a narcissistic way but rather trying to experience my inner self accepting the genuine reality of my being. Trying to get rid of the wish to maximize the good things and minimize the bad ones. To see what actually is: here and now. To me all feelings share one property: they arise and they disappear. Just like the wolf who represents my ANGST.







