Romain Brunet —
Get Hundreds of Free Credits With Our Special Offers

Kinky Jess is a sexcam girl. And besides that a source of inspiration for French photographer Romain Brunet‘s newest project Get Hundreds of Free Credits With Our Special Offers.
It is based on the beginning and end of a webcam show, showing sequences completely removed of pornographic context. By that, Brunet gave way for moments more intimate and human: fragments and close-ups of bedding, clothing and female bodies, made entirely with the artist’s smartphone, leaving the impression of an innocent webcam conversation.

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It is not the first time Brunet is using his mobile phone for his projects. Get Hundreds of Free Credits With Our Special Offers functions as a continuation of his previous work called Étude de Portraits. He has been studying and experimenting with smartphone photography – and smartphone portraits in particular – in the past. “I was always attracted to subjects such as imperfection and the banal”, Brunet states and reveals that he believes the connection of smartphones and portrait photography to be natural. “I turned to my cell phone because I appreciate the rendering to be pixelated, blur, and pasty”, he adds.

Photographer: Romain Brunet
Models: Clotilde, Julie, Margaux, Naelle and Sarah
