
TISSUE Ultra 3 at Marsèlleria, June 20th 2014 by Tim Bruening

Sorry, we are very late. But sometimes the things at TISSUE take a bit longer. Now here’s the complete selection of pictures Tim Bruening took that evening. See some outtakes on purple DIARY here: Thanks again to everybody involved especially to Mirko Rizzi and his lovely Team at Marsèlleria Permanent Exhibition. Typical Team TISSUE […]

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Running an art magazine can be a risky business! That’s what the peeps of Rotganzen wrote: Hi Uwe, Hereby we send you a proposal to solve everything without a lawyer. You know, to maintain our great relationship. Cheers, Rico, Marvin and Joeketie – ROTGANZEN – Yes, we love you too, guys. See you in Milan […]

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