appear unremarkable — Ein Bahner kommt selten allein
Dressed in diy high-vis fashion, Daniel Künzler and Roman Menge try to keep a low profile. As they put on their uniforms, they merge into another identity.

Dressed in diy high-vis fashion, Daniel Künzler and Roman Menge try to keep a low profile. As they put on their uniforms, they merge into another identity.
Watch Dan Künzler and Roman Menge blend the boundaries between plain observations and their subtle, yet blunt activities. Make sure to watch this exclusive video and visit their exhibition tomorrow, if you get the chance. appear unremarkable Ein Bahner kommt selten allein Daniel Künzler Roman Menge 23.9.–30.9.2016 Oxymoron Galerie Popupzentrale Mariahilferstraße 3 1060 Wien Opening: […]