Journal de Cock No. 16“2016 WAS HARD ON ALL OF US”
Team TISSUE wishes you a happy new year and all the best for 2017! TISSUE Magazine’s Journal de Cock N°16 by Christian Bueschenfeld “2016 WAS HARD ON ALL OF US”

Team TISSUE wishes you a happy new year and all the best for 2017! TISSUE Magazine’s Journal de Cock N°16 by Christian Bueschenfeld “2016 WAS HARD ON ALL OF US”
This time about the difficulty of separation. TISSUE Magazine’s Journal de Cock N°15 by Christian Bueschenfeld “IT’S NOT YOU, IT’S ME”
This time with a short cut version. TISSUE Magazine’s Journal de Cock N°14 by Christian Bueschenfeld “THE THOUGHT OF YOU CUTS LIKE A KNIFE” Please wear helmets and travel safe!
TISSUE Magazine’s Journal de Cock N°13 by Christian Bueschenfeld “SHELTER FROM THE STORM”
TISSUE Magazine’s Journal de Cock N°12 by Christian Bueschenfeld “PROBLEMS D’AMOUR”
TISSUE Magazine’s Journal de Cock N°11 by Christian Bueschenfeld “KEEP ON CREEPIN’ ON”
TISSUE Magazine’s Journal de Cock N°10 by Christian Bueschenfeld “BOY, DON’T HURT YOUR BRAIN”
TISSUE Magazine’s Journal de Cock N°9 by Christian Bueschenfeld “AND WE GON’ PARTY LIKE …”
TISSUE Magazine’s Journal de Cock 8 by Christian Bueschenfeld “SCREW THIS.”
TISSUE Magazine’s Journal De Cock N°6 by Christian Büschi Bueschenfeld “On the understanding of the opposite sex.”